• Martin Gravel @martin mar 4 Juil • 16:02

    How does singing affect health?
    1. Singing tunes the body to the “right” vibrations that increase our vitality.
    2. During singing, special biochemicals are created in the human brain – endorphins, which help us feel calm and joy.
    3. Blood circulation improves, which has a beneficial effect on the vocal vessels, tonsils and lymph nodes. This significantly boosts local immunity – simply put, we catch a cold less often.
    4. Improved blood supply during singing leads to increased brain activity: the brain begins to work more intensively, memory improves, a person perceives any information easier.
    5. Improving the blood supply to the head rejuvenates the body and improves skin condition.
    6. Singing is very useful in lung diseases, because it not only replaces breathing exercises, but also contributes to the development of proper breathing, which e.g. significantly reduces exacerbation (worsening) of asthma.
    7. Regular choir singing exercises increase the levels of immunoglobulin-A and hydrocortizone, which are signs of good immunity.
    8. Currently, techniques for the treatment of stuttering through singing are being developed and help to improve speech diction.
    9. Singing is also used in dealing with obesity: in case of an impulsive feeling of hunger in obese people, it is recommended to sing at least two or three songs.

    Watch out, girls! Singing improves blood flow in the head area and generally rejuvenates the body, improving skin condition.
    These are also the reasons why it is necessary to sing at least five minutes a day.
    Singing has similar effects as physical exercise.

    Translated by Ivanka Marešová
    Article in Russian here: https://samopoznanie.ru/articles/kak_penie_vliyaet_na_zdorove/

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