• Martin Gravel @martin sam 27 Avr • 19:42

    1. Pyramids are not tombs; no mummy has ever been found inside the pyramid. All mummies were found in the kings valley.

    2. How the hell do you cut 20 ton blocks of granite with extreme precision and lift them one on top of the other, in the “king’s chamber”, with WOODEN RAMPS !!

    3. Let’s say wooden ramps were used; you need to cut down a whole forest in order to provide wood to move 2.3 MILLION blocks of huge stones. Where the hell is the evidence for that wood?

    4. There is not a single hieroglyphic text that says ancient Egyptians built the pyramids.

    5. How many “slaves” or workers do you need to quarry, cut and lift 2.3 MILLION stones? Where the hell do you find people who can laser cut and lift huge tons of granite?

    6. How do you position the whole pyramid to face true north, 4000 years ago when the builders “didn’t know about the WHEEL” ? (That’s the bias of mainstream egyptologists).

    7. The top of the pyramid is a quarter of an inch off center (base of the pyramid); that’s after placing 2.3 million blocks of stone. When you divide that tiny margin of error by 2.3 million stones, the accuracy at which the stones were placed is unparalleled and has never been done by modern architects with all modern technology.

    Conclusion: 90% of Human history was buried by time, the other 10% is written by the victors.

    NO it’s not aliens. Just Advanced Ancient Human Tech….
    Also Read https://fabliyo.com/24-amazing-images-of-this-egyptian-artist/

    Keep following Read Me

    Credit: Respective owner

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