• Both the Moon and the Sun are two light emitters. Only the nature of the light changes:

    – Sunlight: warm light that radiates. The golden Light of the Sun brings illumination by acting on the level of conscious processes.

    – Moonlight: cold light that shines. The silver light of the Moon brings revelation in the dark by acting at the level of the unconscious processes.

    Both lights are emanations of the same Light that activates different processes of expansion of consciousness, moving conscious and unconscious energies. The ultimate goal is the same: the growth and expansion of the Light in all its forms.

    When the weighing of the heart is done, it measures how much one has grown in the light through conscious and unconscious processes. This is why Thoth and Horus are found in these depictions. These are complementary ways to increase one’s light (lunar, solar).

    Sunlight (warm light): visible world and related connections, in reference to what is in the light, what is…

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