• Nathalie @natlee Wed Nov 17th 2021

    Si vous voulez signer la pétition de Cobra pour la libération de la planète et demande d’aide à nos frères et soeurs galactiques voici le lien: https://www.thepetitionsite.com/fr-ca/576/357/913/planetary-liberation-now/

    Je l’ai signé et j’ai ajouté mon idée de l’aide que j’aimerais recevoir en commentaire que voici:

    Je suis d’accord que mes frères et soeurs galactiques bienveillants nous aident à se libérer des forces de l’ombre. Je souhaite que les humains avant tout puissent faire leur travaux d’humains à leur niveau. Je veux la divulgation totale et que nous puissions en tant que race humaine faire partit en conscience de ce conseil galactique. Oui j’aimerais que tout se rééquillibre effectivement mais j’aimerais que tout les systèmes changent y compris les systèmes d’éducations. Je consent à ce que l’aide apporté à l’humanité par qui que ce soit, se fasse avec des bases utilisant les plus hautes valeurs morales. Dans mon coeur il y a l’amour avant tout, la paix et la joie. L’équillibre en tout et tout projet fait avec bienveillance.

    I see the present moment imprinted itself in the future as I write my vision of what my soul is remembering and feel the joy of a wonderful balanced world we are in. It is just here, close your eyes and see… Breath this wonderful clean air with a smile on your face. Look at those vibrant and sparkling colors never seen before, shining, sparkling inside your heart. Feel the colours around you penetrating all your cells and smell all the parfum of a thousand roses enveloping your wonderful thoughts and manifesting them in an instant. Look at all of those new animals, soft, colorful, and calm, happy, joyful and in balance with all life on earth. Listen to them talking to you telepathically, expressing all their love for mother earth and for you. Feel Terra in every part of your soul and body, feel her joy, her love because you made it !

    Look at the millions of bright stars in the sky as there is a clean sky at night. Feel the joy of all your fellow galactic brothers and sisters that are finally reunited with you. Look at all of those free children in the world learning happily how to create with there heart in their outdoor schools and wonderful new programs to teach them all they need to have access of the powers they have inside. Look at them creating all kind of new and ancient arts that was lost for eons. Feel the happiness, the peace in you heart to have reach this point of no return in reaching the goal of forever peace on earth. Look at all the new medicine and new technologies that are in balance with nature. You are soooo proud, so free, so exited to wake up every morning to continue working on your new projects that will change the world for the better.

    You are in balance with all that is. You are healing because your food is clean and healthy, you are healing because you are more in touch with who you really are, you dance on music that heals the body, you watch screens that are align with good frequencies, you are where you need to be, when you want to be. You teleport where you want to explore and learn everyday about everything you feel for. New cultures, new ways of living in sovereignty, in more harmony and balance with all that is. You are telling yourself, I AM and you know what it really means. You are saying I AM and you studently remember, you feel it, you see it , you are it. You are thanking God and mother earth and father sun.
    You are saying, I AM !
    You are finally able to sing joyfully out loud whit the top of your lungs I AM, I AM, I AM …

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