• 🚨🚨🚨THIS IS FROM NEGATIVE48’s telegram channel !!!🚨🚨🚨

    It began and ends in DALLAS!

    Negative 48 said he will be in Dallas November 2nd for it to all be revealed to the world. He also said that as of midnight the 2nd, the world will go back to the Julian calendar; thus, the date will go back to October 20th. That we will have two Halloweens.

    JFK Sr, Jackie, and JFK Jr will be reintroduced to the world. JFK Sr will travel around for seven days, on week, “a week to remember” and then will pass.

    JFK Sr. will be brought back and showed to the world on 11/2 in Dallas where he was shot at the grassy noel at Dealey Plaza. The beginning and the end. JFK Sr. will transfer power to Donald Trump and JFK Jr. will be Trumps vice president. It’s the second coming of Christ, going to be biblical. Kennedy’s are the Jesus bloodline. -AB Greatest show on earth of all time!!!!! Time for us crazy people to be vindicated. God is good, love Trump and The Kennedy’s.

    POTUS post about turning off…

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