• Martin Gravel @martin dim 31 Oct 2021

    Both the Moon and the Sun are two light emitters. Only the nature of the light changes:

    – Sunlight: warm light that radiates. The golden Light of the Sun brings illumination by acting on the level of conscious processes.

    – Moonlight: cold light that shines. The silver light of the Moon brings revelation in the dark by acting at the level of the unconscious processes.

    Both lights are emanations of the same Light that activates different processes of expansion of consciousness, moving conscious and unconscious energies. The ultimate goal is the same: the growth and expansion of the Light in all its forms.

    When the weighing of the heart is done, it measures how much one has grown in the light through conscious and unconscious processes. This is why Thoth and Horus are found in these depictions. These are complementary ways to increase one’s light (lunar, solar).

    Sunlight (warm light): visible world and related connections, in reference to what is in the light, what is conscious, what is visible. The solar eye of Horus is regulated by the left hemisphere of the (male) brain.

    Moonlight (cold light): invisible world and related connections, in reference to what is illuminated in the shadow, what is unconscious, what is hermetic. The lunar eye of Thoth is regulated by the right hemisphere of the (female) brain.

    In summary:
    The eye of Horus represents knowledge, it is the masculine polarity connected to the Sun: conscious processes, connection with the visible world. Through knowledge, study, starting from information or teachings, the ability to see begins to be activated. When this knowledge is internalized, it becomes – in the opening of the heart – inner awareness and therefore feminine polarity.

    In the moment in which the integration of the two eyes, male and female, of the two ways of seeing takes place – that is, the opening of the third eye is realized – a vision of Unity is achieved, transcending the illusion of separation. The two eyes merge into a single vision: the vision of the One. When the fusion takes place there is no longer the need for a differentiated or polarized (masculine – feminine) view. Unity is perceived through the Unified Vision.

    Both eyes have been assimilated over time to Horus for practicality to always indicate the Light, while the whole field of magical arts, wisdom, writing, etc. has been left to Thoth. In reality, the real nature would be the eye of male Horus of the Sun, Thoth’s eye of the Moon.

    The hemispheres of the brain influence the sight of both eyes, acting on the different ability to see, differentiated into masculine and feminine polarity.

    The left hemisphere influences the male right eye which refers to the visible world, knowledge, rationality, logic, mathematical calculation. Conscious processes are affected by sunlight.

    The right hemisphere affects the female left eye which refers to the invisible world, awareness, revelation, imagination, intuition. Unconscious processes are influenced by moonlight.

    #eyeofhorus #eyeofthoth #vision

    ☥ Egyptian Atlantean Syrian Initiatory School ☥

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